Classification of Companies in India
Companies under the Companies Act, 1956 may be classified on various grounds as under:
On the basis of business activities undertaken:
- Manufacturing
- Services
- Non Banking Finance
- Non Profit Making (Section-25)
- Producer (Section 581)
On the basis of liabilities of the members and directors:
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited by shares
- Limited by guarantee and possesses share capital
- Limited by Guarantee
- Unlimited Liability Company
On the basis of membership pattern:
- Public
- Listed Company
- Unlisted Company
- Private
- Independent Company
- Subsidiary of public company
- Government
On the basis of place of registration:
- Indian Company (Incorporated in India )
- Foreign Company (Company incorporated out of India but possesses a
- place of business in India)
On the basis of control over the management:
- Holding Company
- Subsidiary Company